Providence University College – Business Center & Courtyard

Owner: Providence University College
Location: Otterburne, MB
Area: 3,250
Delivery method: Design-Build
Prime consultant: Beach Rocke
Completion date: July 29, 2016
Providence University College once again selected Three Way Builders to design-build a new classroom space in the lower level of their main building. The space was once a cafeteria but had turned into storage and mostly unused space. The new classrooms are part of the business school addition to the course offerings at Providence University College. We worked closely with the client to design a professional space that students would really enjoy. Additional windows were added along the exterior wall and an entire new courtyard was constructed to create openness and light. The renovation required the removal of some of the existing hydronic heating equipment and asbestos remediation. The new HVAC system provides multi-zone control for year round comfort. The new multi-tired courtyard is a beautiful addition to the facilities at Providence and is something to behold.