Ingaldson Building
Owner: James Avenue Holdings Ltd.
Location: Winnipeg, MB
Area: 24,000
Delivery method: Construction Management
Prime consultant: Northern Sky Architecture Inc.
Completion date: April 04, 2012
Three Way Builders was awarded the construction management on this 24,000 sq. ft. renovation of the four-story Ingaldson Building, located by the Red River in downtown Winnipeg.
The second and third floors, as well as part of the basement, were converted into ten residential condo units while the main floor was developed into a unique office environment for Northern Sky Architecture and KNH Sawatzky Engineering. Several interesting original structural elements were retained and incorporated into the final interior look. The solid timber columns and beams, along with the structural steel connectors are features in both the new condo suites and the offices. The original fourteen-foot high laminated timber ceiling was exposed and retained for a pleasing interior design element for the main floor offices.
New elements that were incorporated for code or comfort reasons included two new stairwells, an elevator, and new electrical, mechanical, ventilation and air conditioning systems. These were oversized in preparation for possible future expansion with additional residential stories. Exterior windows were replaced, but all needed to conform to this Heritage Building original façade.